Blog Content as Part of Social Media

April 14, 2017by smartguys

Another way that blogs can serve as an important tool for community management is through their use as part of social media marketing. Social media is more widespread than ever and utilizing it is a way to reach large numbers of people without paying for advertising space. Having social media accounts and managing them is a good way to draw people down your sales pipeline. However, you need more than to just have a social media account. In order to engage the public, you must create content which is interesting, relevant, and reliable.

One of the best things to post on social media accounts are blog updates. Blogs are an opportunity for you to sell your brand, to draw in potential customers, and to create positive PR. If you have a well curated blog, frequent updates to the blog with relevant content will draw people who might be interested in your product.

For example, an electrician might post about some common electrical problems, or symptoms of electrical problems. People who are having electrical problems are not only his potential customers, but also will be interested in the topic. Once their attention has been grabbed, it is then the job of the blog to interest the customer, and to sell your expertise. If your blog sounds knowledgeable, reliable, and honest, they might be tempted to give you a call right there.

This is a much more powerful approach than a social media account that simply posts blatant advertisement of services. Where an account that simply offers services is likely to get blocked or ignored, an account that frequently links to interesting and relevant content can earn a following. Even if they don’t need your services now, someone who read and was impressed by your knowledge and experience might remember you further down the line.

In this scenario, the blog and the social media have a symbiotic relationship. The social media account serves as a tool to get people reading the blog, which then is a tool for promoting your brand. Taking the opportunity to show off your reliability, honesty, and knowledge can impress people.

The blog will serve as something that keeps people paying attention to your social media account as well. If they are interested in what you have to say, they might forgive the occasional direct advertisement.  Taking advantage of these tools will help you to gain and retain customers.
