Resolve website visitor identities for personalized experiences that boost engagement and ROI.
Resolve website visitor identities for personalized experiences that boost engagement and ROI.
Business blogging is here to stay, and so more and more companies are adopting and personalizing the incredibly effective model for their own use. But with this influx of new bloggers, there is a gap between the demand for well written articles, and the ability of first time bloggers to deliver. Inexperienced bloggers often create...
While businesses typically have a good idea of what their typical customer looks like, larger or more global corporations may find that they have many different sets of customers. You may have customers in dozens of different countries, with an incredibly diverse population of languages, In order to create content for this wide variety of...
Advertising your Blog So you have started a business blog. You are creating useful and interesting posts, but no one seems to know about it. How can you bring attention to your blog? And how can you engage clients and potential clients in your brand? Some think that finding readership for a business blog is...
As a business blogger, it is your job to provide content which is relevant, interesting, and accessible to your target audience. And while topic selection is a broad subject, one of the best ways to engage your audience is to understand them, and cater to their needs. So how can you find out exactly what...
Sometimes the person responsible for curating social media and blog content will have access to experts or others who can provide useful information that they themselves lack. For instance, if you are creating content that is targeted to millennial first time homeowners, you might want to have how to guides and walkthroughs for content that...
Business blogging is a key tool in the repertoire of a modern commercial venture. It, along with social media and other public communications make up the core of your interactions with the public. Therefore, having strategies in place for proper implementation of your social media and blogging content are just as, if not more important...
A great way to get people to share and read your posts, is to make sure that they contain valuable information. If you create content that answers genuine questions in an accessible and accurate way, you will never have a hard time convincing people to read. This accomplishes several different things, and embracing this style...
Another important thing that any content manager must do is ensure that all published content matches up with the image and standards of the company producing it. Currently, it is in vogue for companies to have social media profiles and other public mouthpieces whereby they often engage in banter, joke with the public, and otherwise...
One of the main goals of a business blog is to help your website to be found more easily by potential customers. Indexing pages which contain keywords which are likely to be searched is a great way to increase the likelihood that your page is found when these keywords are entered into a search engine....