We Monitor The Searches, Clicks, Scrolls, Views, Journeys & Buying Signals Of 280 Million Consumers In The USA & Provide You Their Exact Contact Information
Automate Targeting Across Platforms and Run Leaner Campaigns that Mitigate Wasted Ad Spend
We automate finding the exact individual people who are:
Searching online for what you offer
Researching products or services that you offer
Visiting your competitors websites
Actively researching your service or product right now – today.
Are visiting your website right now in real time with our SmartPixel
We can identify individuals (by name address, phone, email, zip code, age range, income level & 60+ other valuable pieces of data too)
This gives you the power to find the exact ideal customers you want and target them directly – on any platform in any way, far more efficiently than traditional Pay-Per-Click or social media campaigns.
PRECISION TARGETINGHow We Determine Intent Of Customers
By Scanning Billions Of URLS All Across The Web Every Day, We Monitor Searches, Clicks, Website Visits & Customer Journeys. We Provide You The Full Contact Information Of Those Matching Your Ideal Prospective Client & Automate It's Distribution Across 1100+ Different Platforms & Applications.